Discussion series on bromination/iodination reactions

Bromination reactions with phosphorus bromides (Ph...

Bromination reactions with phosphorus bromides (br...

Bromination/Iodination reactions
Overview of bromination reactions with phosphorus bromides/Bromination reactions that use phosphorus...
In this series, we discuss bromination and iodination reacti...

Bromination reactions with hydrogen bromide (Bromi...

Bromination/Iodination reactions
Bromination reactions with hydrogen bromide (bromomethylation of alcohols, phenols, and aromatic rin...
In this series, we discuss bromination and iodination reacti...

Bromination reactions with hydrogen bromide (addit...

Bromination reactions with hydrogen bromide (bromo...

Bromination reactions with hydrogen bromide: Hydro...

Iodyl compounds as oxidants and other applications...

Describing iodosyl and iminoiodo compounds: Hyperv...

Iodonium compounds as initiators: Hypervalent orga...

(Diacyloxyiodo)arenes as effective gentle oxidants...

Bromination/Iodination reactions
Applications as halogenating reagents – An overview of hypervalent organoiodine compounds and ...
Here on Chemia, we have discussed bromination and iodination...

Iodination reactions with metalloid iodides: Discu...

Iodination reactions with aluminum iodide: Discuss...

Iodoalkane synthesis from ether cleaving and other...

Alkali iodides
Iodoalkane synthesis from alcohols: Iodination reactions using alkali iodides (2): Discussion series...
In the previous issue of this series, we began our discussio...

Alkene and alkyne hydroiodination, active aromatic...

Heterocyclic compound iodination overview and reac...

Aliphatic compound
Iodination of carboxylic acid and related compounds: Aliphatic compound iodination reactions (5): Di...
Over several articles in this series, we have discussed alip...

Carbonyl compound iodination: Aliphatic compound i...

Alkyne iodination: Aliphatic compound iodination r...

Aliphatic compound
Iodine addition to alkenes: Aliphatic compound iodination reactions (2): Discussion series on bromin...
In this series, we discuss bromination and iodination reacti...

Alkane iodination: Aliphatic compound iodination o...

Iodination of carboxylic acid, nitro compounds, an...

Aromatic compound
Iodination of phenols, phenol ethers, anilines, and aniline-related compounds: Aromatic compound iod...
Elemental iodine exists as a solid at room temperature. Owin...

Hydrocarbon iodination: Aromatic compound iodinati...

Acyl iodide synthesis, iodoarene synthesis: Iodina...

Iodoalkane synthesis: Iodination reactions with ha...

A tried-and-true synthesis method, describing iodi...

One of the most powerful brominating agents, overv...

A brominating agent that facilitates addition reac...

Benzylic brominations/aromatic ring brominations: ...

A fascinating brominating agent capable of minimiz...

Bromination/Iodination reactions
Bromoallene synthesis from propargv alcohol, ortho-selective bromination of aromatic rings: NBS brom...
In this series, we discuss bromination and iodination reacti...

A-bromination of carbonyl groups, bromination of c...

Addition of bromine to alkenes, bromohydrination o...

Active/inactive aromatic ring bromination: Bromina...

Allylic position and benzylic position bromination...

A first-line brominating agent:describing N-bromos...

Bromination/Iodination reactions
Highly selective yet gentle brominating agents: N-bromo compounds (1): Discussion series on brominat...
Bromination and iodination reactions sit at the core of MANA...